Vocabulario 1

Asá to roast
Asár to annoy
Astá rude movements

Bale well, worth, wages, advanced pay
Balón ball
Banda within proximity, band
Baráto cheap
Barcada group of friends, boatload
Basta enough, stop, as long as, secret
Bomba erotica, nudity, bomb

Casilla cube, toilet, square, hut
Compadre (pare) friend

Contravida villain, against life
Coño vagina, curse word
Cúbeta toilet, bucket, outhouse
Cuarta coin, money, one fourth

Entonces then, afterwards

Firme steady, firm, always

Impacto shock, impact, earth spirit causing temporary madness

Jugador gambler, player

Mamón fluffy bread, cake
Más que as much as, even if, even then, more than
Muchacha girl, maid

Palenque market
Pecho breast
Perra penny

Seguro secure, stable, sure, maybe
Siempre of course
Soplado spoiled brat, snobbish, snooty, stubborn kid

Vale ok, voucher, promissory note
Vida lead actor, actress